Collection Rarity

UGC.Nft's Rarity 👽

Collection Rarirty will be public on SolRarity once the collection is fully minted. But you can have a look at the scartch😉


>Binary          1️⃣
  >Neon            2️⃣
  >Moon            3️⃣
  >Earth           4️⃣
  >Exo-Earth       5️⃣
  >Ganymede Planet 6️⃣
  >Saturn          7️⃣
  >Venus           8️⃣
  >Black Hole      9️⃣
  >UFOs            🔟
  >Space           1️⃣1️⃣
  >Mint            1️⃣2️⃣
  >Strawberry      1️⃣3️⃣
  >Blue            1️⃣4️⃣
  >Black           1️⃣5️⃣

>Green         1️⃣
  >Cyan          2️⃣
  >Blue          3️⃣
  >Red           4️⃣
  >Purple        5️⃣
  >Yellow        6️⃣

>Solana Eyes              1️⃣
  >Green Laser Eyes         2️⃣
  >Purple Laser Eyes        3️⃣
  >Lava Red                 4️⃣
  >Full-White Eyes          5️⃣
  >Full-Black Eyes          6️⃣
  >Normal Green Eyes        7️⃣
  >Normal Purple Eyes       8️⃣
  >Normal Blue Eyes         9️⃣
  >Normal Brown Eyes        🔟
  >Normal Black Eyes        1️⃣1️⃣
  >Normal Eyes              1️⃣2️⃣
  >Dead Eyes                1️⃣3️⃣
  >Exlamation Eyes          1️⃣4️⃣
  >Weird Eyes               1️⃣5️⃣

>Smoking a J              1️⃣
  >Medical Mask             2️⃣
  >Taped                    3️⃣
  >Golden Smile             4️⃣
  >Eating a frog            5️⃣
  >Cat Mouth                6️⃣
  >Normal Smile             7️⃣
  >Angry                    8️⃣
  >Tongue-Out W/Fangs       9️⃣
  >Tongue-Out               🔟
  >Grinch's mouth           1️⃣1️⃣
  >Hitler's Mouth           1️⃣2️⃣

>Solana Chain             1️⃣
  >Golden Chain             2️⃣
  >Silver Chain             3️⃣
  >Illuminati Tattoo        4️⃣
  >Heart Tattoo             5️⃣
  >Black Collar             6️⃣
  >Bitten By A Brother      7️⃣
  >Nothing                  8️⃣

>Hallo           1️⃣
  >Crown           2️⃣
  >Black Bandana   3️⃣
  >Green Parasite  4️⃣
  >Black Parasite  5️⃣
  >Eyebrow Piercing6️⃣
  >Blonde Wig      7️⃣
  >Purple Wig      8️⃣
  >Orange Wig      9️⃣
  >Black Wig       🔟
  >Pimples         1️⃣1️⃣

